How to Find Credible Mental Health Information Online (Originally published by Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute)
How can you find the most accurate and credible mental health information? It’s often easier to go ask Dr. Google what you’re going through than talk to someone you know. The problem is, when you google “anxiety,” you get 456,000,000 results! The internet is fast,...
How to Support Someone Who’s Depressed (Originally published by the Crisis and Trauma Institute)
Andrew was tired. Tired of how much effort even the smallest tasks took, tired of feeling inadequate, tired of the aches and pains in his body, and tired of well-intentioned friends and family saying things like, “You just have to think positively and count your...
5 Tips for Supporting Your Socially Anxious Teen (Originally Published by Crisis and Trauma Institute)
“I refuse to eat at school because I don’t want anyone to look at me and think I look gross,” a 14-year-old young woman shared with me during our counselling session. Social anxiety is the fear of being scrutinized and humiliated in front of others to the point of...
Live Happier and Healthier: Ten Tips to Reduce Stress (Originally Published by the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute)
According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada (January 2015), stress and stress-related illnesses are on the rise. Stress is so commonplace in our fast-paced society that it seems like a way of life for many. Individuals, workplaces, and society as a whole are...
10 Ways to Get Along with Anxiety (Originally published by Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute )
nxiety is our body’s natural alarm system. It is a normal and useful emotion when we feel under threat. It can save your life when you run to make it across the road because a car is speeding too fast towards you. However, when the threat is in our minds rather than a...
When Life Hands You Lemons (Originally published by Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute ).
A couple of years ago we were on vacation and our flight home was cancelled. As a result, we were transported to a resort for the night, along with several hundred other passengers. The airline told us we would be taken back to the airport the next morning and given...
10 Strategies for Dealing with Passive Aggressive People (Originally published by Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute ).
We’ve all tried to avoid confrontation or felt we couldn’t directly express our thoughts and feelings to someone, which can sometimes cause us to act in ways that are passive aggressive. Like most personality traits, passive aggressiveness occurs along a continuum...
How to Manage the Physical Symptoms of Anxiety (Originally published by Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute ).
Physical symptoms of anxiety can be frightening and upsetting – their overwhelming nature can rock your world within minutes, leaving you fearful and drained. Maybe you feel your heart wildly beating in your chest, experience chest pain that makes you think you’re...