Blog Val Gelsinger November 7, 2018 @ 8:21PM


We all love it when we see a young person who carries themselves well and shows signs of being mature. They interact with adults in an adult manner. Nancy Adler notes that adult development and maturity theories on maturity emphasize a clear comprehension of life's...

Coping In Hard Times

In these sometimes tough economic times, periods of unemployment is sometimes the reality. You worry about what will happen to you and your family. You worry about emergency situations popping up. The National Child and Traumatic Stress Network released a fact sheet...

6 Tips For Improving Mental Health

“Mental well-being is bigger than the presence or absence of a mental illness. People who live with a mental illness can and do thrive, just as people without a mental illness may experience poor mental health.” — Canadian Mental Health Association, 2014   World...

Overcoming Test Anxiety

Test anxiety is a common experience for most students. Anxiety can become a problem for some causing them to feel overwhelmed and unable to focus during the exam. The following is a combination of strategies and techniques designed to help alleviate test anxiety. In...


Mindset is a simple idea that a Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck discovered after decades of research on achievement and success. It is a simple idea, but one that can make a huge difference in a person’s life. There are two mindsets; one fixed where...

Exercise and Psychological Health

Len Kravitz, Ph.D. reviewed a study completed by: Scully, D., Kremer, J., Meade, M.M., Graham, R., Dudgeon, K. 1998. Physical exercise and psychological well-being: a critical review. It was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, 32, 111-120. There is a...

Choosing a New Career

Choosing a career or a new career can be a daunting task. There are so many options that it can be overwhelming. Only 5% of people pick the right job on the first try. We all want to be good at choosing our career paths. Here are some guidelines to think about—when...