A number of psychologists recently reported that, over the past 10 years, there has been an unprecedented rise in trust issues among couples who seek counseling. According to Joe Bavonese, of the Relationship Institute in Royal Oak, Michigan, part of this...
3 Comforting Ways to Grieve the Loss of Family & Friends
The deep sadness of grief can be one of the most gripping emotions we face as human beings. Losing a loved one, or friend, or pet, or a colleague, can leave us feeling devastated, heartbroken, confused and angry. Grief can also call forth the resilience and fortitude...
Transitions Ready or not, we all go through numerous transitions in our lives – leaving high school to go to college or work, changing jobs, getting married, having children or retiring. Whatever the circumstances, navigating this gray zone of transitions can be...
Four Ways to Help a Child Overcome Fear
There are many advantages to being on the introverted side of the personality scale. Children who are shy are often described as being more sensitive, empathic, and caring. In fact, countless famous leaders and innovators are self-confessed introverts, like Albert...
6 Ways to Be a Better Listener
Everyone listens. We listen every day, but not all of us think of listening as a skill to be developed. Listening is a quiet, internal stance and it is easy to overlook. Like most worthwhile endeavours, learning to listen well is worthy of both our attention and...
5 Ways to Support a Loved One Who Has a Mental Illness
Many people experiencing mental illness appear “normal” as there are often few visible signs to let others know what they are dealing with. However, on the inside they may feel like their world is turned completely upside down: alone, scared, overwhelmed and with...
Eating Disorders – It’s Not Our Bodies That Need Changing
I sit across from yet another young woman who, with tears in her eyes, describes to me the thoughts she battles daily: disdain for her body shape and weight, concern that others think she is fat or can see her “problem areas”, constant evaluation and self-judgment...
10 Tips to Reduce Stress
According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada (January 2015), stress and stress-related illnesses are on the rise. Stress is so commonplace in our fast-paced society that it seems like a way of life for many. Individuals, workplaces and society as a whole are...